With web hosting you have 3 choices.
1. Cheap
2. Stable
3. Fast
Most webhosting companies make you choose only two of them, I provide all 3.
I recently started my own small web hosting business and need your help to grow it.
The service is called OnlyOneHost. We specialize in providing reliable, easy-to-use hosting services and domains at cheap prices. We have created a full-featured Control Panel called Hepsia, which is available for free with all website hosting plans, and which includes free-of-cost tools that can help you publish your new website online in no time.
There are various hosting packages ranging in price from $48 USD a year (for 1 domain, unlimited storage*, unlimited bandwidth) to $144 a year (unlimited domains, unlimited storage*, unlimited bandwidth). Plus, your choice data centre to host your data out of the following choices:
Chicago, United States
Coventry, United Kingdom
Sidney, Australia
Pori, Finland
Sofia, Bulgaria
(* = only 10GB per user account will be backed up by us by default, which can be increased for an additional fee. If your account uses more data than the allocated backup portion, then backups will fail. Also, the account can be terminated if what you are storing impacts the quality of the service on the server)
We also have fully dedicated servers (Only in the US and UK), Semi-Dedicated servers and VPS (Virtualised Private Servers).
For more info please visit www.onlyonehost.com