Free web hosting services can be a tempting option. Particularly for small organizations and individuals on a modest budget. But, there are a few reasons why you shouldn’t rely on free web hosting services for your critical data.
These services are often less secure than paid web hosting services.
This is because hackers and other malicious actors are more likely to target them.
If your critical data is at risk of theft or corruption if it’s stored on a free web hosting service.
They often have slower speeds.
They also are less reliable uptime than paid web hosting services.
This can make it more difficult for the site to load and cause client annoyance.
They offer limited features and functionality.
This can make creating a professional-looking website challenging.
Or to use advanced features like e-commerce or email.
The providers often offer limited support.
If you have an issue with your website, this can make it tough to receive support.
So if you need help with your account it will not be a high priority for their support team.
These are some of the reasons why you should not use free web hosting services for crucial data.If you need a dependable and secure web hosting solution, you should go with a paid provider.
Here are some more reasons why you should avoid using free services:
- They have stringent terms of service. This can limit your ability to use your website for business purposes.
- They often use shared resources. This means that your website may be slow or unreliable. This is because other websites on the same server may be experiencing high traffic.
- They often do not provide customer service. So you will be on your own if you encounter any issues with your website.
- The hosting provider can delete your services at any time without prior warning.This is because you are not paying the hosting provider to keep your data/services online.
If you’re serious about creating a successful website. Then you must invest in a trustworthy and safe web hosting service.
A paid web hosting provider will provide you with the assurance that your website is safe and secure.
Also, if you have any problems, you will have access to the help you need.
So the above shows why you shouldn’t rely on free web hosting solutions.
Recommendations for cheap/low cost web hosting.
OnlyOneHost – There are packages starting off as little as $48 US a year for shared web hosting (this includes a free .com domain)
AWS Lightsail – On AWS (Amazon Web Services) Lightsail you can start off with a small VPS (virtual Private server) with Linux for a little as $3.50 a month (first 3 are free for new AWS lightsail clients). This includes 1 single CPU core, 512 MB Ram, 20 GB SSD and 1TB data transfer a month.
Microsoft Azure – MIcrosofts own Azure service does offer a limited free service (for the first year) which does include select VM’s (both linux and windows)